Friday, April 11, 2014

Getting Started - April Goals

Welcome to Project Clear Clutter everyone -- where our aim is to, of course, clear all the clutters! :)

I started this blog last April 7, 2014. It was a fine Monday morning and as I was browsing through the Internet, I saw a colorful advertisement about organizing, crafts and DIYs! My eyes grew big and I immediately clicked on it. I was about to end when I studied my surrounding. My study area was so full of clutters. My dress worn yesterday was still on the sofa. And I realized that ever since, I didn't like the color of our wall. Ugh.

After examining the area, I released a very long sigh and closed my eyes. And like any other day, I went straight to my study area, started oraganizing stuff when an old notebook caught my eye. It was my very old notebook. I opened it and I felt a smile painted on my face. 

I read my bucket list written a very long time ago and read the word something that jolted me back to life --'WRITE'. 

So again, say hello to PROJECT CLEAR CLUTTER.


Last time, we talked about planning this project. And again, as Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Definitely! We have to write our goals in life and it doesn't stop there. We have to act upon it. We have to create plan and do our best to achieve it.

So today, we will talk about our project's goals for April. Are you excited?! I know you are! I am too!                                 

APRIL -- we all love April! It is the time for beaches, long weekend, parties, friends and families and of course, vacation. But for Project Clear Clutter, April is the time for (1) branding and (2) knowing oneself. 

1. Brand your blog!

Project Clear Clutter revolves all around organizing, cleanliness, color, creativity & fun! And with these, our blog should also be organized and well taken care of. That's why we have to brand this project carefully. Know what font style we will be using, font color and shades and how to make images that will collaborate with the text and the whole project as well.

2. Know yourself -- your good and bad self.

I personally believe that we have to know our 'real' self because this will help us to know what we have to continue doing and of course, what we need to stop doing. There are many factors that affect our behavior towards a goal. 

Since the aim of this project is to be organized, we have to list down all good and bad habits and characteristics that pushes and hinders us to achieve our goal.

3. Practice - Move forward.

We don't have to overwhelm ourselves. Why dont' we try to work on small areas that we want to organize or add color? Hmm, sounds great! Right?

I know there are many 'me' over there that's why we want to be very specific on what we really want to do and achieve. So, come and join me on this journey to an organized life!

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